Net Zero Policy

At HR and You Ltd we are committed to being environmentally aware, we actively support programmes that reduce our environmental impact and continually improve our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating procedures.

What we achieved in 2022?

During 2022 we continually drove areas to seek and gain a clearer understanding on the effects our business activities had on the environment by supporting initiatives, during 2022 we focussed on areas such as:

  • An overall reduction of material, water, and energy consumption in our office location
  • We are a completely paperless business; and therefore, no documentation  is printed of any type
  • Waste minimisation, we recycle all of our resources
  • We have encouraged our clients, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to do the same

What are our Net Zero plans for 2023?

Our aims for 2023 are to seek out alternative ways to cut emissions, we will ensure that as a business we will:

  • Act sustainably in all that we do, in this regard we will be open and transparent in our operations and continue to take steps to tackle economic, environmental, and social challenges that we face in both the local and wider community.
  • Be inclusive, we will do this by taking a collaborative approach both internally and as a business, our overarching aim will be to achieve more together.
  • Support each other internally, our clients, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders, our aim will be to collaborate and work with clients that share the same values and goals as we do.

We recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment to meet or exceed legislative and regulatory requirements.

We will ensure that this policy and all procedures relating to it are understood, implemented, and maintained by all HR and You Ltd Employees.

Last Reviewed: 23 March 2023

Next Review: 23 March 2024