Offer of Suitable Employment During Pregnancy Letter
This template letter can be used where, following a risk assessment, it is identified that for health and safety reasons, the employee cannot continue to perform their normal job during pregnancy.
Where a pregnant employee cannot carry out their normal job duties due to risks to their health, and where it is not possible for the employer to alter the conditions of their job, the employer must offer a temporary transfer to a different job. The alternative job must be suitable, which means work that is appropriate for the employee to do in the circumstances and that is on terms and conditions not substantially less favourable than those of their normal job. Where there is no suitable alternative work, the employer must suspend the employee from work on full pay until the commencement of their maternity leave.
This letter is in compliance with the statutory maternity leave set out in the Employment Rights Act (1996) and the Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations (1999), as well as relevant legislation in the Equality Act (2010), the Equal Pay Act (1970), and Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act 2023.
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