The New Carers Law: A Guide for Employers in the UK

In the ever-evolving landscape of employment law, it’s crucial for Employers and HR teams to stay informed and adaptable. One recent significant change affecting the UK workforce is the new legislation regarding carers. 

Understanding this law, its implications, and how to effectively manage it within the workplace is essential for maintaining a supportive and compliant environment.

In our article we delve into the new law and how to manage this in the workplace. 

Why not take a read today: 

As an Employer how should I understand the new law?

The new carers law in the UK aims to provide greater support and protection for individuals who have caring responsibilities. It recognizes the valuable contribution carers make to society and seeks to ensure they are not disadvantaged in the workplace due to their caregiving duties.

Just who is a carer?

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, or who needs extra help as they grow older. This can encompass a wide range of responsibilities, from assisting with daily activities to providing emotional support and medical assistance.

What are the implications for you as the Employer?

As an Employer you must be aware of your obligations under the new carers law and take proactive steps to accommodate Employees who are carers. This includes providing flexible working arrangements, such as remote working or adjusted hours, to allow carers to fulfil their caregiving duties while maintaining employment.

How should I manage the changes?

To effectively manage the changes brought about by the new carers law, as an Employer you should:

  • educate yourself and your teams about the law and its implications
  • review existing policies and procedures to ensure they are compliant with the new legislation
  • communicate openly with Employees about their rights and entitlements as carers
  • implement flexible working arrangements and reasonable adjustments to support carers in the workplace
  • provide access to resources and support networks for carers, such as employee assistance programs and counselling services

As an Employer what policies should you implement?

To create a supportive and inclusive workplace for carers, as an Employer you should consider implementing the following policies:

  • Flexible Working Policy: you should establish guidelines for flexible working arrangements, including remote working, adjusted hours, and job sharing options
  • Carers Leave Policy: you should outline procedures for requesting time off for caregiving responsibilities, including paid and unpaid leave entitlements
  • Equality and Diversity Policy: you should ensure all Employees are treated fairly and without discrimination, including those with caring responsibilities
  • Employee Support Program: you should provide access to support services, such as counselling, mentoring, and peer support groups, for Employees who are carers

Are there other ways I can make improvements?

As an Employer you can further enhance your support for carers by regularly reviewing and evaluating their policies and practices. This may involve seeking feedback from Employees, monitoring the effectiveness of existing initiatives, and making adjustments as needed to better meet the needs of carers in the workplace.

In conclusion

The new carers law presents both challenges and opportunities for Employers in the UK. By understanding the legislation, proactively managing the changes, and implementing supportive policies and practices, as an Employer you can create a workplace culture that values and supports carers, ultimately benefiting both Employees and your company as a whole.

How can we help you? 

We can help you with your query relating to the new law, we are a team of highly experienced HR Consultants who can manage and assist you in any capacity, we have the relevant skills and knowledge to support you, we can work with you on a retained basis or for any length of time, why not contact us for a confidential no obligation chat. 0333 006 9489 or email us at [email protected] 


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