Access your new Grant for HR Outsourcing with us and let your people drive your business

What is the new Scheme?

The Government has unveiled plans to assist SME’s recover from the Coronavirus pandemic in the form of grants worth £20 million. The funding was announced on Thursday (July 30) by Simon Clarke MP, Minister for Regional Growth and Local Government. Grants will be fully funded by the government from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and distributed through growth hubs.

The Grants will be between £1k and £3k (with the possibility of up to £5k for exceptional circumstances) and are available to SME’s who can demonstrate they have been adversely affected during the pandemic (COVID).

What can it be used for?

There is no obligation from the business and the grants are fully funded by the Government, the grants can be used for specialist business advice in the form of HR, this is an area with so much going on and an investment not to be missed or to perhaps adapt to or adopt new technology to improve performance, the overall aim is to aid recovery.

This announcement builds further on the £10 million package which was announced earlier this month to help to kickstart the tourism industry and support the visitor economy. The Grants are limited so do not delay registering your interest.

How do I get the Grant?

The funding has been allocated to the local Growth Hubs already, some areas are still yet to define how the Grants will be allocated. In the Lancashire area this will be Boost.

If you are based in Lancashire  you can contact Boost to signal your interest in receiving a share of the Government’s £20m grant funding to help you get back on track following the coronavirus pandemic. You can use this funding to Outsource your HR and with so much going on in this area it is an investment not to be missed. Funding for both grants will be delivered in Lancashire from September and Boost is currently in the process of developing a formal application system.

If you are a business based in Lancashire you can now register your interest in both grants via the contact page on the Boost website. you will then be contacted in due course to progress your application if you are eligible.


Where are the Funding Allocations across the UK?

If you are based outside of Lancashire the funding allocations are below:

Funding Allocations:

Local Enterprise Partnerships

Black Country

Buckinghamshire Thames Valley

£250,000 125
Cheshire and Warrington £391,240 196
Coast to Capital £250,000 125
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly £500,000 250
Coventry and Warwickshire £337,369 169
Cumbria £296,687 148
Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire £720,398 360
Dorset £250,000 125
Enterprise M3 £250,000 125
Gloucestershire £250,000 125
Greater Birmingham and Solihull £731,277 366
Greater Cambridge and Greater Peterborough £250,000 125
Greater Lincolnshire £507,928 254
Greater Manchester £1,049,321 525
Heart of the South West £423,544 212
Hertfordshire £250,000 125
Humber £357,993 179
Lancashire £1,118,161 559
Leeds City Region £972,127 486
Leicester and Leicestershire £408,785 204
Liverpool City Region £839,517 420
London £1,201,211 601
New Anglia £327,344 164
North East £1,833,503 917
Oxfordshire £250,000 125
Sheffield City Region £845,623 423
Solent £250,000 125
South East £627,724 314
South East Midlands £496,004 248
Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire £651,960 326
Swindon and Wiltshire £250,000 125
Tees Valley £928,629 464
Thames Valley Berkshire £250,000 125
The Marches £451,873 226
West of England £250,000 125
Worcestershire £250,000 125
York and North Yorkshire £250,000 125


What are the Deadlines?

  • All grants must be awarded by 28 February 2021 and all activity fully completed by 31 March 2021.
  • Ineligible sectors include fishery and aquaculture, primary production (e.g farming) processing and marketing of agricultural products, the coal, steel and shipbuilding sectors, synthetic fibres sector, establishments providing generalised (school age) education, banking and insurance companies/brokers and nuclear related activity


Further Information

We know that COVID pandemic has presented businesses with an amazing opportunity and possibly one that will transform your business, you have the opportunity to identify your goals, structure your business how you want it to be in the future without the constraints of the past that probably did not work, you will have become more resilient than you even know it over the past 5 months, we can get you in a position to become productive,  profitable and achieve the goals you want for the future.

We are HR and You and we believe your people drive your business, happy, thriving people, this in turn means you will be the best you can be.

You can access the funding for HR Outsourcing so why not invest in your PEOPLE…in turn this means your business too.

Take a look at our website today, we work for you:  or call us on 01254 467156

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