Back to Basics: The 5 Ws of HR

Here at HR and You, we want you to understand the process of HR without the complicated, specialised jargon. Despite its legal complexities, the actual concept of HR is quite simple.


By dictionary definition, Human Resources are the individual bodies that make up the workforce. This can be any type of organisation in a particular industry or business sector of our economy. It is also the umbrella term used for the department in the workplace that is responsible of overseeing every aspect of each employed individual under the organisation.


WHO is involved?

The people involved in HR are, in essence, the people. In this case, your people. It’s the employers, the employees and everyone in between. From the big bosses to the interns, it is every single person in your organisation– regardless of the rank and position they might have in the company.


WHEN is it put into practice?

HR is put into practice, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. In-Office and Out-of-Office hours. From the moment someone is considered as a possible addition of your team to when they actually leave the company, it is a procedure that operates around the clock.


WHERE is it put into practice?

The location in which HR is put into practice is, essentially, both in and out of the working environment. When you step into the workplace and wherever your feet may carry you that involves any circumstances around the workplace— every aspect is considered.


WHY is it put into practice?

The big question. We need HR for a variety of reasons. But, ultimately, it is to ensure a workplace is happy, productive and well-engaged. This is achieved by looking after and catering to the needs of your employees.


People, culture and the success of businesses all go alongside each other. A well-principled working environment that cares for the wellbeing of its employees and actively provides for them is advantageous for the business. It stops unfair and unjust treatment and prevents discrimination. It also enables your employees opportunities for growth and personal development which boosts morale and employee productivity.

On the other hand, the consequences of poor HR can be costly. Employees who don’t feel supported by their employers can have a resounding impact on the business and can affect employee satisfaction, work culture and long-term success for the company. Thus why choosing to employ a dedicated HR professional isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity for businesses.

Managing the performance of each and every employee takes time and requires certain skills that most employers may not necessarily be adept to. For employers, there might be no time to deal with every convoluted aspect of managing their employees.

Though it’s common for companies to take control of the proverbial HR reins themselves, it isn’t effective time management. Tending to HR and the endless complexities of employment law can be costly for a business, especially when things go wrong.


This is where we come in.

Assigning a dedicated HR professional or having a HR team to look after your employee related matters is critical to any company, big or small. It will keep your business legally compliant and allows you to fully concentrate on growing your business. We provide the help and support businesses need to effectively maintain the growth and development of its employees at various stages of their work cycle.

We are here to aid with positive business culture, improve employment management and productivity and lead employee wellness and personal development in their career.

So whether you are start-up entrepreneur, a small business owner or an already established company — having HR support enables you to provide your business the grounds to flourish and we are more than happy to work alongside you, every step of the way!

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