How to manage Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Managing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In today’s evolving business landscape, fostering a safe and inclusive work environment has become paramount for the success and reputation of any organisation. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a significant issue that can have profound impacts on both Employees and the overall business.

In our article today we aim to provide Employers and HR teams in the UK with a comprehensive understanding of sexual harassment, its implications for businesses, relevant legal cases, essential policies, and strategies to make positive improvements.



Just what is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment encompasses unwelcome behaviours of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or intimidating work atmosphere. It can range from explicit comments and inappropriate jokes to unwanted advances and even physical contact. Not only is sexual harassment emotionally distressing for victims, but it can also lead to decreased productivity, low morale, high turnover rates, and severe reputational damage for your company.



What is the impact on Businesses?

Sexual harassment can have far-reaching consequences for businesses, both financially and culturally. Recent UK employment tribunal cases have shed light on the gravity of the issue. Let’s take a look:


  • In the case of Burton v. De Vere Hotels highlighted a hotel Employee who faced sexual harassment from a senior manager. The tribunal awarded the claimant £50,000 in damages.
  • In another case, Preston v. Wolverhampton City Council, an Employee received £30,000 in compensation due to experiencing sexual harassment by colleagues.


Both of these cases demonstrate the substantial financial costs associated with sexual harassment claims. However, the ripple effects go beyond monetary concerns. Businesses that fail to address sexual harassment effectively risk damaging their reputation, making it challenging to attract and retain talented Employees. A negative workplace culture can also lead to decreased Employee morale, collaboration, and productivity.



What are the key policies to implement?

To prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace, Employers and HR teams must establish clear and robust policies. Here are some essential policies to consider implementing:

  • Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy: This policy outlines the organisation’s commitment to preventing and addressing sexual harassment. It should clearly define what constitutes sexual harassment, provide reporting procedures, and emphasize that retaliation against whistleblowers will not be tolerated.


  • Reporting Mechanisms: Create a confidential and easily accessible channel for Employees to report incidents of sexual harassment. This could include a dedicated email address, hotline, or anonymous reporting system.
  • Investigation Process: Develop a thorough process for investigating reported cases. Ensure a fair and impartial investigation, involving HR professionals who are trained in handling such matters.
  • Training and Education: Regularly train Employees and managers on what constitutes sexual harassment, include your company’s policies, and the importance of maintaining a respectful work environment.



As an Employer should I have improvement strategies?

Employers and HR teams can take proactive steps to improve their workplace environment and prevent sexual harassment:


  • Cultivate a Respectful Culture: Lead by example and foster a workplace culture built on respect, inclusivity, and diversity.
  • Top-Down Commitment: Senior management’s commitment to a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment is crucial. Their support trickles down through the organisation, reinforcing the importance of addressing the issue.
  • Regular Audits: Periodically review and assess the effectiveness of your anti-sexual harassment policies. Adjust and update them based on changing laws, regulations, and Employee feedback.
  • Empower Bystanders: Encourage Employees to be allies/ambassadors. Train them to intervene if they witness inappropriate behaviour and provide them with resources to support victims.



In conclusion

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not only a moral issue but also a business concern with significant financial and cultural implications. Employers and HR teams have a responsibility to create safe, respectful, and inclusive workplaces. By implementing strong anti-sexual harassment policies, fostering a supportive culture, and staying vigilant in addressing inappropriate behaviour, businesses can not only avoid costly legal battles but also enhance their reputation, productivity, and Employee satisfaction. The effort invested in preventing sexual harassment today will undoubtedly lead to a brighter and more successful future for both Employees and the business as a whole.



How can we help?

We are experts dealing with any HR and Employment Law matter, we can assist you with advice, guidance, and support, or should you require support with policy writing then we are experts in this area; you can contact one of our team today and we can assist you; contact us on: 0333 0069489 or email us on: [email protected]





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